Savannah Brewers League
“To the art of brewing and the bond it creates. May our spirits be as strong as the ales we make. Here’s to good friends, fine brews, and endless laughter. May our glasses be ever full, now and hereafter. Cheers!”
Guests/New Members
18 members were present including three Guests. Sherwood moved from AL about two months ago and was in a brew club before. Chris and Kelly were from the Chatham Sailing Club.
Who is Brewing?
The current club total for 2024 is 426.75 BUs. Secretary note: Last month’s total was incorrect.
Upcoming Events
- 17 AUG – Uber Open and Stammtisch
- 04 SEP – SBL monthly meeting, location TBD
New Business
Meredith e-mailed Wexford about holding either the September or October monthly meetings there. There is not a dedicated space and it depends on whether the band plays outside or inside.
Scott submitted the $100 down payment for group Ghost Pirate tickets for the night of Domras Cup. Members discussed the Domras cleanup requirements and the impact the game might have on members staying to help. Chandler made a motion to move forward with the idea and J. Eckles second. The motion passed. The Domras coordinator will e-mail past judges and stewards and send a link to the PayPal account to pre-pay for tickets.
The Chatham Sailing Club is having a two-day regatta for Oktoberfest on the weekend of 28-29 SEP. It is at Youngs Marina on Wilmington Island. People bring a potluck dish or beer. They would like to merge clubs for the weekend. They are asking Club members to bring beer and come hang out for the evening.
Committee Discussion
Treasurer’s Report
Gene gave his report which included the club’s account total. Kristen brought up the issue of the website again. We need a new webmaster as well as a server to host the website on. It is currently on Chris W’s server. Members who know of someone who can help are encouraged to reach out. With increasing costs, we need to find ways to increase membership.
Barrel Committee
- Barrel 1 – Scottish Ale (sour)
- Barrel 2 – Lambic
- Both barrels are still just sitting. We will taste the Scottish during the August Stammtisch.
Chris S. gave a big thank you to everyone participating in ReBrew this year. It was a huge success and we will do one again, most likely a couple years from now. J. Eckles and Chris M. won the “Taster’s Choice/Best of Show” at the event. BJCP-style judging took place prior to the meeting tonight. The Amber Lager took third place (J. Eckles and Chris M.), the Cream Ale took second place (Tom), and the Hefe won first place (Chris S.).
- Uber Open will take place on 17 AUG.
- O Dark 30 will be in November.
Old Business
J. Wilson discussed the cider judging class moving forward. He held an English cider class last month and nextg month’s will be French ciders. The class will be held at Vince’s house on 11 SEP.
Upcoming Stammtisch
- August – Eckles along with the Uber Open, 19 AUG
- September – C. Welch, 22 SEP
- October – C. Martin
Tech Talk
John F. read a part of the bylaws where it states that a change to the bylaws can be passed with the majority vote of those present at a meeting. He made a motion to change the bylaws to reflect a monthly meeting start time of 1900. J. Eckles second. Messages will be disseminated to the membership to let them know about the vote during next month’s meeting.
Blues, Brews, and BBQ is looking for volunteers again this year and members are encouraged to sign up. It will be held on 12 OCT.
The Club’s anniversary is on 23 SEP. On 25 SEP there will be the Club Anniversary meetup/toast at O’Connell’s in the evening.