The name of this not-for-profit corporation is the Savannah Brewers’ League, Inc.
The Savannah Brewers’ League (hereinafter termed “SBL”) is an organization devoted to beer! SBL provides a convivial atmosphere for introducing new and old aficionados to the art of the barleybrew. The purpose of SBL shall be:
- Promoting the hobby of home brewing beer, mead, and cider as a scientific art and hobby.
- To provide an un-compromised forum in the Low Country and Coastal Empire where everyone, from experienced to beginning home brewers to non-brewers, can enjoy a convivial atmosphere and a free exchange of brewing knowledge in the pursuit of making excellent beer.
- To promote responsible consumption of alcoholic beverages.
- Also, as a goal of SBL, we hope to broaden our circle of friends, relieve the stress of our daily lives, and just relax and enjoy good company united by our common interest in brewing and quality beer.
A member is any individual of legal drinking age who has paid his or her dues, is willing to abide by these by-laws, and who wishes to learn and share information about home brewing. Membership is open to all individuals regardless of race, sex, national origin, or religious affiliation.
Membership term shall be for one (1) year, ending each 31st December.
Membership extends to include the Individual Member’s spouse or partner. All Family Members shall be natural persons of at least 21 years old at the time of their application.
All members are entitled and encouraged to be actively engaged in the club and to voice their opinions and concerns about club activities. If ideas, issues or concerns arise, a member can request that such item is discussed during the regular club meeting by a show of hands of those attending the meeting. If additional time for action is required, the attendees may vote for such discussion to be postponed to the following meeting so that the general membership can be informed through the newsletter/email.
Each member’s participation in SBL is strictly voluntary. Each member realizes that participation may involve consumption of alcoholic beverages, which may affect perception and reaction. A member is expected to know their personal limits of alcohol intoxication and stay below those limits at all SBL functions. Those that do not or cannot maintain personal responsibility may be terminated by 2/3 majority vote of members.
Each member will be responsible for the conduct and actions of their guests.
Each member, guests of members, and prospective members accept sole responsibility and all liability for their conduct, behavior, and actions and further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless SBL, its officers and members from any and all claims or liability whatsoever resulting from the actions of SBL, its members and guests of members.
Members should refrain from using the gathering as a platform for commercial or political pursuits and should act in an ethical and non-abusive manner. Members should maintain a cordial and constructive atmosphere.
Through membership in SBL, each member agrees to and is bound by this article. All members shall fill out and sign a membership form that informs of the items listed in this article. All non-members shall sign the guest/non-member sign-in sheet prior to each meeting that informs of the items listed in this article.
- Dues
Dues are to be paid annually by the January meeting.Dues are set currently at $25.00 per person/family annually unless modified by the board and voted on by majority vote of members present. Dues are due at membership sign-up and are valid for one calendar year. For new members who join after June 1st, dues are reduced to $15 for the rest of the remaining calendar year and then paid annually at the normal rate thereafter.While membership is not mandatory to attend SBL meetings or functions, it is highly encouraged and this policy should not be abused by guests. SBL and its officers reserve the right to assess guest fees to offset expenses as becomes necessary.Special Collections may be taken above and beyond dues to provide for special events or situations. In most instances, these collections shall be voluntary. If a mandatory special collection is requested, it may only be taken upon majority vote of dues-paying members present at an official meeting after appropriate notice (via email) has gone out the month prior to when the special collection vote will take place. This will allow a forum to discuss and debate the necessity of the special event/collection. If a dues paying member cannot be present, an absentee vote can be emailed to the Secretary. - Revocation of Membership
Any officer can be removed from office at any time by a 2/3 majority vote of the general membership. For malfeasance of duties For inappropriate use of club funds and/or materials For inability or refusal to execute defined duties The Board, by a unanimous vote, or general membership by majority vote, shall have the power to relieve any volunteer or chair of their duties.The Executive Committee by unanimous vote shall have the power to expel for cause any member for conduct detrimental to the interests of the club, its officers and its members. Any member can be expelled from the club at any time by a 2/3 majority vote of the general membership.
- Executive Board
The Management of the Club shall consist of a Board composed of at least the following members:- President (Brewmaster)
- Secretary (Scribe)
- Treasurer (Keeper of the Tab)
- Executive Committee:
In addition to the Board, an Executive Committee made up:- President (Brewmaster)
- Secretary (Scribe)
- Treasurer (Keeper of the Tab)
- Willing Past Presidents
- Willing Founding Members
- Committee Chairpersons
- Committees:
From time to time, committees may be formed by the President to resolve issues or to accomplish club related tasks that may include but are not limited to: competitions, group brews, parties, special events, media relations, planning, nominations, etc. Any member may volunteer to serve on any committee. Non-members are not allowed to serve on committees. Committees will select their own chairperson and set meeting dates and agendas. Some committee meetings may take place away from the general meeting place. Committees shall reach desired decisions under their jurisdiction that reflect the best interest of the club. If a designated committee perceives a conflict between goals of the committee or general club, or wishes to seek a vote of approval on any item under their jurisdiction, they may call for a vote during the business portion of a general meeting without prior announcement.
- Meetings:
Regular monthly club meetings are to be held on the first Wednesday of each month, beginning at 7:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted by special announcement. Meetings are open to all members, their guests, and prospective new members. - Special Meetings:
Special meetings can be held at various dates and times for special events i.e. competitions, brew days, tours, etc. or as deemed necessary by the board and are open to all members. Meetings shall generally follow Robert’s Rules of Order. A majority of membership shall constitute a quorum for votes related to the by-laws. Members present at any regular club monthly meeting shall constitute a quorum for all other purposes.
- Nominations:
Nominations for elected positions of willing candidates are to be submitted on or before the October meeting. If no nominations are submitted for a position and the current officer is willing to continue in the current post, no election is necessary. - Elections:
Club officers (collectively termed the Board) are elected to their respective positions by majority vote of the active dues paying membership present at the November meeting. Club officer positions are open to all active dues-paying members. - Absentee Ballots:
Absentee votes can be submitted by email to the club secretary before the November Meeting. - Transfer of Power:
Following election of officers, there will be an Executive Committee meeting to facilitate transfer of officers and duties.
The term of office for each position shall be 1 year. There is no limit on terms of office.
The duties for each officer are as follows:
- The President (Brewmaster):
Preside over all monthly club meetings and set the agenda for such. Represent the club at outside functions. Foster a creative atmosphere and provide motivation and guidance. Delegate club business to appropriate officers or committees. Oversee all voting and cast the deciding vote in the event of ties. Organize any needed committees. Committees to be chaired by members. Take recommendations from the committees to the officers and/or general membership for approval. Organize guest speakers, educational and special demonstrations. Designate an alternate to act on his/her behalf if cannot be present. - The Secretary (Scribe):
Maintain a record of all monthly meetings and compile minutes. Maintain the club website and/or newsletter (with or with/out assistance from other volunteer members). Maintain the club library, keeping literature, catalogs, displays, breweriana and related materials on homebrewing, to be open to all dues-paying members. Edit the club by-laws as determined by the officers and ensure a copy of the by-laws is available to all members. Act as liaison with other organizations, particularly the American Homebrewers Association (AHA). - The Treasurer (Keeper of the Tab):
Have all responsibilities for managing the clubs financial activities including but not limited to: Collecting dues and funds paid to the club, Recording all receipts and disbursement of club funds, Maintaining the club bank account, Taking and filling orders for various club projects, i.e. bulk orders for brewing supplies, club logo t-shirts/mugs, tasting paraphernalia (cups, pens, forms, etc.), Making non-allowance of disbursement or reimbursement of any questionable, unusual, or excessive expenses without consent of officers and/or majority of dues-paying members, Alerting the Board and/or Executive Committee if income or expense trends place the club in financial jeopardy. Provide a Treasurer’s Report to the club on a quarterly basis and allow for free and open examination of check register and receipts by officers. Maintain a current and up to date roster of club members. - The Vice President:
A Vice President position has been unfilled for a number of years, but if determined needed by the Executive Committee, the position can be re-instituted and duties repositioned from other officers.
In the event that a board member resigns or is removed, the position will be filled at the next general meeting by appointment by the Executive Committee. The newly appointed officer shall serve for the balance of the un-expired term.
All bills, payable notes, checks or other negotiable instruments for normal operations of SBL will be managed by the Treasurer. Any single expenses not associated with normal monthly operation of the club are to be submitted for approval with a written justification, which shall be retained by the Treasurer. Expenditures in excess of $50 up to $100 shall require the approval by majority vote of the Board. Expenditures in excess of $100 shall require majority vote of the members present.
No part of net proceeds of the Club shall or may under any circumstance benefit any single member or individual. Club funds shall be used only for Club events, purchases and membership benefits as approved by the Board, or general membership, depending on amounts.
Disposition of assets: Should SBL ever be dissolved or cease to exist, the financial assets of SBL, after payment of any debts and all obligations shall be distributed to a non-profit entity that is organized and operated exclusively for scientific, educational, or community service purposes, and has established its tax exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code.
- Authority
The Club is a non-profit corporation. Except as otherwise limited by the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation, the Club shall have all the general rights and privileges and powers that may be conferred upon organizations under Not-For-Profit Corporations in the State of Georgia. - Payments
No part of the net earnings of the Club shall accrue to the benefit of or be distributed to its members, Officers, or any other private person, except that the Club shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes of this Club as set forth in the Articles of Incorporation granted by the State of Georgia. - Prohibition on Influencing Legislation
No substantial part of the activities of the Club shall be to carry on propaganda, or otherwise to attempt to influence legislation and the Club shall not participate in or intervene in (including the publishing of statements) any political statements on behalf of any candidate for public office. - Restrictions to Preserve Not-For-Profit Status
Notwithstanding any other provisions of these Bylaws, the Club shall not carry on any other activities that are not permitted: 1. By a corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1984 (or the corresponding provision of any future Internal Revenue Code). - Tax Deduction
In accordance with IRS rulings, the Club as a 503(c)(7) eligible entity, does not issue statements of tax deductibility to anyone in regards to providing funds or other forms of financial or non- financial value, whether directly or indirectly, to the Club above and beyond that of the required membership dues and assessments.
These By-Laws can be amended by majority vote of the members present at a regularly scheduled meeting after an open discussion with the general membership has taken place. Prior notice of any amendment shall at a minimum be disseminated via email one month before the changes are proposed.