Club Meetings
Monthly Meetings
We meet the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm. We are in process of finding a new standard meeting location after Moon River Brewing Company has closed. All levels of Zymurgists are welcome—from beginners to advanced, all-grain experts. Guests are welcome. We are an AHA-registered homebrew club. Come join us for a session!
- When: First Wednesday of every month at 7:30pm
- Where: Contact Us for meeting location
- Why: Because beer is good. Why not?
Stammtisch Meetings
“Stammtisch” is the German word for “regulars table.” In a German pub, you will many times come across a table near the bar with an embossed plaque with “stammtisch” written on it. This table is reserved for the “regulars” at the bar and in ages past was reserved for the higher class. The word has now become more universally used for those who like to sit together to discuss a common interest (chess, books, etc.), though the origins are definitely steeped in beer lore. The word has now become more universally used for those who like to sit together to discuss a common interest (chess, books, etc.), though the origins are definitely steeped in beer lore.
The SBL Stammtisch is where our group meets to share beer and swap recipes. As this is not allowed at our regular meeting place (bringing in outside beers into the establishment), we meet at a different member’s house every other month(ish) to share our homebrews and/or interesting commercial brews.
An email will go out to members to inform of the upcoming time and location. The stammtisch is geared toward those members who are active brewers and wish to share their beers with others (as well as receive of course!).
Rules of the Stammtisch
- RSVP to the host upon receiving the email or Forum notice
- Also, let the host know what beer(s) you plan to bring. We prefer homebrewed beers first, but interesting or rare commercial beers are welcome.
- Bring 2–3 bottles to share and discuss (recipe, process, or giving/receiving feedback). Bring an additional 2 bottles (with a label) for the “beer swap” at the end of the session. Bring an extra for the host.
- Upon leaving, you will pick up 2 different beers off the beer-swap table, so that you can try others’ beers.
- RSVP early!
The format for a Stammtisch ranges from a casual night at someone’s house to part of a Brew Day Event (also casual). Contact a club officer if you would like to host a Stammtisch. See Rules of The Stammtisch #3 for your incentive.