SBL Monthly Meeting 11/4/2020 7:30pm @ MRBC
Toast: “May neighbors respect you, trouble neglect you, the angels protect you, and heaven accept you.”
Guest/New Members: Chris B., Jimmy, Tom & Cheryl
Who is brewing? 1,030 bu’s NEW CLUB RECORD!!!
- 10/7 Oct Monthly Meeting @ Moon River Brewing Company 7:30pm
- 10/24 Octoberfest / O’Dark 30 / Stammtisch @ Brian & Suzie’s 4 pm
- 11/4 Nov Monthly Meeting @ Moon River Brewing Company 7:30pm
- 11/7 Learn How To Homebrew Day @ Coastal Empire and Split Fin 12 pm
- 11/11 Veteran’s Brew Day @ Service Brewing 8:30 am (Wednesday)
- 11/22 Nov Stammtisch @ Scott’s
- 12/2 Dec Monthly Meeting @ Moon River Brewing Company 7:30pm
- 12/6 Fill the Barrel @ James’s
- 12/12 Christmas Stammtisch @ Wilson’s
- 12/?? Moon River Christmas Party – TBD
New Business:
- Kitty and Johnathan delivered the new SBL banner
- Connect Savannah has contacted SBL and is writing an article on SBL’s Pandemic Homebrewing for publication this weekend or next. Publication is supposed to come out on 11/11.
- Congratulations to Vince and Co-Brewer Scott for winning 2020 O’Dark 30 with “F Putin – Rasputin!” 2nd place went to Scott for “Kraken Oak Porter” and 3rd place went to Austin for an American Stout. There were 16 entries and roughly 25 people who attended this event. While it wasn’t the Festovall that we are used to Brian and Suzie did an outstanding job hosting the 2020 Octoberfest.
- We are still looking for a location for the 2021 Domras Cup. The rules for reserving the Richmond Hill John Stevens Wetland Center changed this last year and we were not allowed to reserve our 2/6/2021 date as usual. Because of the Pandemic the Wetland Center is not open for reservations at this time. So because of this we have reduced the 2021 Domras Cup event to 150 entries at a location TBD. Scott will be setting up the registration shortly with it planned to be open to the SBL 11/22 and to the public 11/30.
- Who is planning on brewing at Coastal? TJ, James, Henry, Chris M, and Scott. Coastal will have food.
- Who is planning on brewing at Split Fin? Stovall, Neil K., Roger, and Gene. Split Fin will have food catered from the pizza place next door.
- 2020 SBL Elections: no members were nominated for office. The existing members will continue to hold office till the next Nov 2021 election.
Old Business:
- Did everyone pick up and pay for their SBL glasses? James has them. Deadline for pick up is fast approaching. Have to sell all glasses before we collect names for the next glasses order. Sounds like the remaining glasses are accounted for.
- Jonathan made some SBL buttons, Henry has them in The Brew Shop.
- Distribute SBL business cards among businesses in SAV area
- Zymurgy articles for SBL: – Buddemeier
- Domras Cup article 2/6/21
- ReBrew article 7/12/2021
- SBL EuroTrip Spring
20212022 – pushing this back to Spring 2022. SBL doesn’t expect international travel to change in the next 6+ months. - Website photo galleries – TJ
- SBL Stickers are available in The Brew Shop and via your President
- If you need any Cacao Powder, please contact James. Donate the remaining to a local Brewery? Going to reach out to some local brewers to see if they would like some. Also, Barrel Project #4 will be using 1 lbs per batch that goes into the barrel.
- 2/6/21 Domras Cup @ location TBD
- 2/6/21 Beer Beauty Contest
- Nov – Scott – 11/22
- Dec – Wilson – 12/12
- Jan – TJ – 1/16/21
- Feb – OPEN
- March – Tom H.
Upcoming Group Brew Day:
- 11/7 12pm Learn To Homebrew Day @ Coastal Empire & Split Fin
- 11/11 8:30am (Wednesday) Veteran’s Brew Day with Service Brewing
- The club proposed and approved the purchase of 2 lbs of hops for the Veteran’s day collaboration with Service.
Barrel Committee: (Gene, Vince, Scott, James)
- Barrel Project #3: Braggot. Scott and Vince already have brewed and fermented the mead must. Expect to see this braggot in the near future.
- Barrel Project #4: Russian Imperial Stout with cocoa powder. The brewers for this batch are Chris M., Roger, James, Andrew, Stovall, Chandler, Austin, Henry, Vince, Gene, Tom C., Scott, Wilson. We need 11 brewers to brew to fill the 55 gallon barrel but we have 13 just in case.
Troubleshooters Corner: (Wilson, Stovall)
Gene asked how do you add more clove flavor to traditional northern Bavarian hefeweizen? Stovall proposed a lower temp (104 deg) during his step mash but to be careful because too long at this lower temperature and it will add too much medicinal clove flavor.
Tech Talk: Open Discussions
- Several members are interested in testing for the BJCP Beer exam. The SBL will look into hosting an exam in 2021.
- It seems that the same Judges are always being used because these are the BJCP certified judges for the club and they have the most experience. While these judges enjoy judging, they wished for a better judge rotation would be used for these events. The Club Only Competitions (CoC) have no entry cost and there seems to be some interest to charge a small fee for the CoC entries so that we can use it to reward our judges and stewards for volunteering. The club will be looking further into this as a reward for volunteering.