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SEPT Monthly Meeting 9/6/23

Sept Monthly Meeting

Here is to Fall its a southerners reward for surviving the summer!

Guest/New Members: 25members and _ guest attended

Who is brewing? Club total: 829.5 bu’s

Record 2022 – 1474.5 bu’s

Upcoming  Events:

8/19 August stammtisch (Jon Eckles)
Uber open Limoncello Competition 12-5 pm

8/26 Midday in the beer garden of ALes and Lagers 

@ MoonRiver Sign up @ the August SBL meeting
9/6 September Monthly Meeting @ MRBC

9/20Toast at O’Connells @ 7 pm

9/23 30th SBL Anniversary Brew Tour 

9/30  Festovall Stammtisch  @ Stovall 

10/4 October Monthly Meeting @ MRBC

10/21 October Stammtisch Boucher house hold 5-8pm

10/14 Bourbon, Brews, Blues, BBQS

11/1 November Monthly Meeting @ MRBC 7:30 pm

Domras Cup Meeting 6:30-7:15 pm

11/?? @ Burns ODark 30

11/4 Learn how to brew day (Teach a Buddy to Brew)

12/6 December Monthly Meeting @ MRBC 7:30 pm

Domras Cup Meeting 6:30-7:15 pm

12/10 Wilson’s Christmas Party  Stammtisch

12/?? MoonRiver’s Christmas Party 

New Business:

Domras glasses (Chris martin)

The club has decided to go with stemless and will order 208 glasses this year. It should help with shipping costs for the winners. The glasses will be etched and not screen printed on. 

Committee Discussion: 

Pink Points / Mike’s Mentionables  Alex’s Assessment

Treasurer’s Report (Gene)

Barrel Committee: (Gene, Vince, Scott, James, Jon E. ):

Echo 1 Belgian Dark 11-12-22 : 4-30-23 

Echo 2 American Barleywine 4/30-23 : …..

Delta 6  Lambic 6/22 : 7/22 

Need to discuss a replacement

  • Barrel Project Beta 1 

A new whiskey  barrel was obtained thanks to David little. 

Chris Pye and Jonathan E are honorable mentions for helping with day of. 

These barrels may not be at Costal empire anymore

Domras Cup medals

Ideas due at the november meeting 

Stammtisch August ( Jon Eckles ) August 19th

Uber Open Competition

Kids welcome, bring a bathing suit if you want

Bring some food and beer

Stammtisch Sept ( Festoval ) Sept 30

Bring a Jockybox and keg

I won’t be at the meeting Wed but bring up Festovall for me.

Saturday, September 30 starting at 5 pm.

Instructions for entering our gated community are included on the FB event page, but at present the gate is open/broken so likely just come on in.

I will have 6 kegs ready and 6+ commercial varieties of Ofest bier.

I’ll have the brats/dogs/sauerkraut ready.

Bring beer, food, fun.  Dress in dirndl/lederhosen.

Likely 20-30 friends/neighbors over as usual, so a BIG time with all the SBL folks as well.

We are working on the SBL trip for next year to actual Ofest in Munich, so likely won’t hold a local event next year.  That means, get your butts to our house Sept 30.

ReBrew 24

Also, we had our first GAWP Re-Brew meeting on Friday.  It appears that the Association is ready for next year.

So, I’ll start getting new info together soon.  It will be sometime mid-July.

Bourbon, Blues, Brew, and BBQ (OCT 14)

Sign up will be happening soon. Volunteers will be emailed if you helped last year

30th Anniversary SBL ( TJ)

9/23 Bus tour there is one seat available contact TJ if you want to go.

Leaving 11 am Kelley Tours, limited seating to 23.

Location :  Coastal Brewing

Cost : $25

Breweries: Coastal Empire Beer Co, Debellation Brewing, Service Brewing, Two Tides Brewing

Club paid 1400$ to make the tickets more affordable for the members 

Merch interest()

New Club shirts will be available come September. Order online at FB

Registrar ( Volunteer Needed) Laura Potts is going to take over for Scott

If you are interested in shadowing Scott for the registrar position please contact him.  

He is looking for help with the 2024 Domras Cup and then to take over.

Without volunteers to fill the club positions we won’t have much of a club.  It doesn’t take up much of your time.  If you are enjoying being a member of the SBL, please consider a volunteer position.

SBL will buy two pitchers of beer from MR @ every meeting. 


We as a club need to get more people interested in judging and figure out if we need to do another BJCP Class

  • Iron Brewer
    • September 23 European Sour Ale
    • October 30B Autumn Seasonal beer
    • November – None
    • December 30C Winter Warmer, 30D Speciality spice beer
  • Uber-open cello (august)
  • O-dark 30 (Nov) Brewed at Coastal Empire Brewing

Old Business:

  • Brewer of the Year award / Competitor of the year in work. Final tally to be completed by Jan meeting. TJ has the barrel staves. Look into club email for reporting this stuff in the future. Any competitions outside of the COC/Domras should be self-reported to Sonja E. Email [email protected] to get her contact info.


September – Stovall 9/30

October – Boucher

November – Burns

December – Wilson

Upcoming Group Brew Day:


Tech Talk: None