“May our brew days be smooth, our batches bountiful, and out tastings be filled with appreciation. Here’s to the joy of brewing!”
Guests/New Members
20 members were present including Julie. No guests or new members.
Who is Brewing?
The current club total for 2024 is 817.5 BUs.
Upcoming Events
- 16 JUL – ReBrew at Service Brewing
- 27 JUL – July Stammtisch at Cheryl & Dave’s
- 07 AUG – SBL monthly meeting at Debellation
New Business
Since Moon River has closed, the club will move around meeting venues each month for the foreseeable future.
Committee Discussion
Brewer’s Moment
There is now a lager in the taproom that has taken a while to be piloted and brewed in a large batch. SLow Drift will be in packaging in the next week to send out to stores. Coastal Emprire is focusing on small batch summer beers currently.
Treasurer’s Report
Gene gave his report which included the club’s account total.
Barrel Committee
- Barrel 1 – Scottish Ale (sour)
- Barrel 2 – Lambic
- The club discussed accessing a new barrel since both of the current ones are essentially soured at this time. Vince will see if he can get another barrel for a club mead.
ReBrew will be held at Service now in light of Moon River closing. We will be set up in the back and it will be inside so there is no need for tents. Brewers should bring their own ice buckets and picnic taps. Chris will see if we will be able to drop off kegs ahead of time. Volunteers are needed for setup startign at around 1530. The event will go from 1730 to 1900. The “judging” cut off will be 1845 and the winner will be announced at 1900 to conclude the event. BJCP judging for the ReBrew beers will happen at the July Stammtisch.
ReBrew is on July 16 at Service. There will be a separate judging event for these beers following BJCP guidelines at Cheryl & Dave’s Stammtisch. Brewers were reminded to package two bottles of their beer prior to the ReBrew event to have for BJCP judging.
Uber Open will take place on 17 AUG.
Old Business
J. Wilson discussed location and days for upcoming cider tasting classes. The next class will be on 19 JUL at J. Eckles’ house starting at 1900. The class will encompass English ciders and will be around $10 per person. We will need to discuss locations of classes going forward. We have French ciders already for the next class as well.
Upcoming Stammtisch
- July – Cheryl and Dave, 27 JUL
- August – Eckles along with the Uber Open, 19 AUG
- September – C. Welch, 22 SEP
- October – C. Martin
Tech Talk
Members discussed future locations for SBL monthly meetings. Debellation has volunteered to host us for free in their upstairs section each month. Some members were concerned about the location being in Richmond Hill while other members were in favor and noted that Dave has always supported the club and club activities. Coastal Empire is also an option but not in the summer months since there is no air conditioning. Members would prefer a location with food. Other locations that were proposed included the second floor at World of Beer, the American Legion on Bull Street, the Knights of Columbus on Liberty Street, among others. Members expressed concern over pricing and noted that banquet-type facilities would likely charge us each month. In addition, some do not like the idea of going into downtown Savannah because of traffic and the hassle of finding parking. Lee suggested that we should think about increasing the dues or splitting the couples so that each individual would pay their own dues. This would cover the monthly fees for other locations. Such changes would require a vote to amend the bylaws. If members have an idea for location, they need to bring the idea along with a price quote to a future meeting. The discussion was tabled for now and we will see how it goes at Debellation next month.