“To weathering the storm and raising a glass, we’ve stood strong as the winds did pass. In the face of chaos, we brew with heart, finding solace in the craft, a fresh start. Here’s to good friends, stronger spirits, and brighter days ahead. Cheers!”
Guests/New Members
14 members were present.
Who is Brewing?
The current club total for 2024 is 475.75 BUs.
Upcoming Events
- 26 OCT – Christoberfest Stammtisch at Chris M’s house
- 12 OCT – B4
- 06 NOV – SBL Monthly Meeting, 1930 hrs, Coastal Empire (Bring chili)
New Business
Kristen brought up nominations for club officers for the next year. Discussion ensued. Members can be nominated if there is interest. Historically, unless there was interest in a position, the past year’s officers remained in position. Elections happen during the November meeting so nominations can be taken next month if necessary.
Committee Discussion
Amy’s Assessments
The rosemary cask will be tapped tomorrow. Oktoberfest will be on Saturday starting at 4pm.
Treasurer’s Report
Gene gave his report which included the club’s account total.
Barrel Committee
- Barrel 1 – Scottish Ale (sour) – This has been emptied and kegs were distributed to members. Jeremy expressed interest in taking the barrel since the club now has two sour barrels. Gene made a motion to give this barrel to Jeremy and Kristen. The first pass will be their own with the expectation of a club donation. If that turns out good, the second pass will be a club collaboraiton. John E. second the motion. It passed with all members in agreement.
- Barrel 2 – Lambic – This is still fermenting.
- Bridge Run Shirts – The Bridge Run is in Savannah in December. John E. is taking orders for the shirts, which are $19. He brought in a sample for everyone to see. Orders and payments are due by the October Stammtisch.
- O Dark 30 will be in November.
- Domras Cup will be held at Savannah Bee on February 1.
Old Business
Meredith needs to contact the web design person again after there was confusion about contact information previously.
BJCP Cider Judging
The next class will be on October 15 and will feature either Perrys or Ice/New England ciders. It will be at John E’s house.
Upcoming Stammtisch
- October – C. Martin, 26 OCT
- November – Vince, in conjunction with the 0 Dark 30 competition
- December – John W., 08 DEC
Tech Talk
Chandler is in charge of the volunteer scheduling for Blues, Brews, BBQ, and Bourbon this year. They need volunteers for the event on October 12. Volunteers show up at 9am and get breaks during shifts to enjoy the event. The actual event is 12-4 pm.