Lots of things can happen in 25 years, for the Savannah Brewers League (SBL), we have shared in good faith some of the long lost art of brewing science, we’ve celebrated new friends and the arrival of new businesses that share our same affection to brewing, and we even had some good batches and some bad batches that just didn’t go as planned (we all remember those bad ones!) But one thing that hasn’t changed, yeast still eat the natural sugars that we give them to produce some of the worlds finest beverages. SBL is about funneling all of those experiences, creating a community of those lessons learned in the hopes of teaching and inspiring the future brewers in our area. Over the years, our club has seen golden pilsners changed to juicy IPAs, Budweiser frogs changed to knights chanting “Dilly Dilly!”, and finally the rise of the craft brewing movement which for some of us lead us here to homebrewing. Some of us like to joke that this hobby of homebrewing can be as big as you want it to be, we all have to start somewhere. Whether your a closet homebrewer frantic about adjusting the air condition above or below your yeast temperatures or your garage holds a gadget tower of shiny stainless steel of epic proportion that you proudly roll it out into your driveway whenever the wife gives you the green light. We all love to create something from nothing. The SBL has been celebrating that unique niche of locals who like to share and create great beer/mead/cider/wine for the last 25 years. If this isn’t something that raises your glass, then I don’t know what is. To another 25 years of great friends, big collaborations, and barrels of delicious beverages… slainte!