“May our brew kettles never boil over, our fermenters bubble with joy, and our glasses never empty. Cheers to the craft!”
Guests/New Members
29 members were present. No guests or new members.
Who is Brewing?
The current club total for 2024 is 228 BUs.
Upcoming Events
- 06 APR – Quarter Quell Competition and Stammtisch hosted by Kyle and Jerry
- 01 MAY – SBL Monthly Meeting, Moon River, 7:30pm
- 05 JUN – SBL Monthly Meeting, Moon River, 7:30pm
- 22 JUN – Mid Year Competition and Stammtisch hosted by The Bouchers
- 03 JUL – SBL Monthly Meeting, Moon River, 7:30pm
- 16 JUL – ReBrew at Moon River
New Business
The members discussed starting the meeting earlier and the proposed time was 7pm. Barb made a motion to accept the new start time, and J. Eckles seconded the motion. Since this requires a bylaw change, a 50% vote is required by the entire membership. Therefore, it was tabled until next month.
The members discussed the addition of an official vice president position since there has not been one in a while. Some members expressed interest after the previous election and thought it might be a good position to fill. The concensus was that there is not really much for a vicve president to do so it might not be needed. If members decide that they want to fill the position, then nominations can be taken and it can be voted on during the next election.
Committee Discussion
Pink Points/Mike’s Mentionables/Alex’s Assessment
John has received the Brewer’s Association Recognition Award, “whose inspiration, enthusiasm, and support have contributed to the craft brewing movement” A few SBL members helped him gain this recognition.
Moon River’s 25th Anniversary celebration is happening this year. There is various merchandise that will be sold and the plan is to have the celebration carry until the end of the year.
Moon River is hosting the “Ales for ALS” event. Each year, Yakima Valley donates hops to breweries who will brew a special beer to sell and the procceds will go toward ALS research. Service will also brew an “Ales for ALS” beer and the hope is that all of the guest taps at Moon River will be filled with these beers for the event.
Treasurer’s Report
Gene gave his report to the members which included the general budget and the Domras Cup 2024 budget. Domras cup is not completely settled yet.
Members once again discussed giving a donation to Daniella, the singer from Domras Cup. She has been performing at the event for manhy years. Vince made a motion to donate $500 from Domras Cup funds to donate to her daughter’s Go Fund Me style account. C. Welch seconded the motion and it carried.
Barrel Committee
- Barrel 1 – Scottish Ale: J. Eckles will bring about 1L to sample to the April Stammtisch to see if it is ready to give back out. Members discussed what to put in the barrel next and it was decided that a spiced ale or holiday style beer will be a good option.
- Barrel 2 – Lambic: It will be inoculated with Lambicus soon.
The competition/event for ReBrew will be held on Tuesday, July 16 at Moon River at 5pm. A sign-up sheet was passed around for members to volunteer to brew 8-10 gal for the event. There are funds available to reimburse members $20 for supplies. The water is at Coastal Empire and can be picked up there. The water is being tested for safety and for brew qualities.
The first quarter club-only competition will be hosted by K. Powers. It will start at 11am on April 6. There are currently 5 judges signed up but 4 of the 5 have entries in the competition. We need judges and stewards. Anyone wishing to volunteer or add entries can do so on the Club Only Competition website up until around noon on Friday. If members are dropping off their beer at the competition they must be there at around 10:30 to allow enough time for sorting and getting everything together
The mid-year competition will be held at the Bouchers’ house. It will be held on June 22 and will include wheat and Belgian styles, BJCP categories 1D, 10, and 23-26.
ReBrew is on July 16 at Moon River. Members will need to brew 8-10 gal of beer. The ABV must be under 5.5%.
Old Business
The roster has been updated to reflect those who paid dues with a check or other means besides PayPal. Meredith will send out an e-mail directly to everyone who has not paid their dues within the next couple weeks.
J. Wilson spoke about the plan for the cider tasting exam prep. He will try to get samples for every cider within the BJCP guidelines to gain familiarity with what goes with which styles. There will be a small fee each week to help with the costs of buying the ciders. The tentative start date is May 15 and will take place the third Wednesday of the month at 7pm at Moon River. Meredith will contact Moon River to make sure that they will be able to host us for these classes.
Upcoming Stammtisch
- April – Powers along with Quarter Quell competition, 06 APR
- May – Roger
- June – Boucher along with mid-year competition, 22 JUN
- July – Cheryl and Dave, 27 JUL
- August – Stammtisch along with the Uber Open
- September – C. Welch