Savannah Brewers League
“Here’s to the brewer’s muse, whether it’s a stroke of genius or a happy accident. May our creativity flow as freely as our beer!”
Guests/New Members
19 members were present. No guests or new members.
Who is Brewing?
The current club total for 2024 is 346.25 BUs.
Upcoming Events
- 22 JUN – Mid Year Competition and Stammtisch hosted by The Bouchers
- 29 JUN – Meredith’s 50th Birthday Party!
- 10 JUL – SBL Monthly Meeting, Moon River, 7:30pm
- 16 JUL – ReBrew at Moon River
New Business
Scott brought up the option to purchase Savannah Ghost Pirates hockey tickets as a group for the night of Domras Cup. We would invite the out of town judges as well as SBL members. Chandler discussed concerns about clean up and storage of chairs and other equipment during the game. As long as everyone participates in cleanup and there is someone designated to take home items, then we can get game tickets. There is a $100 deposit and a minimum of 10 tickets need to be purchased.
Committee Discussion
Pink Points/Mike’s Mentionables/Alex’s Assessment
Moon River will be hosting a concert on June 15 to support Daniella’s daughter. It will go approximately from 1300 to 1800. In addition, Pink talked about how he lost a friend recently and reminded us to reach out to those we care about and stay in contact.
Treasurer’s Report
Gene was not present so Meredith gave his report to the members.
Barrel Committee
- Barrel 1 – Scottish Ale: this is continuing to sit in the barrel and is sour.
- Barrel 2 – Lambic: There is a little pellicule and two packets of lambicus were added with no new activity.
There is still room for one or two more beers for ReBrew. The SBL bar will be there along with some jockey boxes to serve the beer. Members must bring their own ice buckets. The event will take place 1730-1900 but we need memebrs there at around 1530-1600 to help set up. There will be the overall “Best of Show” winner voted by attendees but the club will do a separate BJCP-style judging as well. Beers will need to be bottled sedparately for that (two bottles needed).
The mid-year competition will be held at the Bouchers’ house. It will be held on June 22 and will include wheat and Belgian styles, BJCP categories 1D, 10, and 23-26. The competition site is open for registration.
ReBrew is on July 16 at Moon River. Members will need to brew 8-10 gal of beer. There will be a separate judging event for these beers following BJCP guidelines.
Old Business
The next BJCP cider judging class will be 19 JUNE at Moon River at 1900.
Kristen noted that there were not enough votes on the Facebook poll to pass the new meeting time. Members discussed who counts as a “member” for voting purposes since married couples pay one membership fee. The bylaws are not clear on this either. Members agreed to open voting for the new meeting time for approximately the next couple months. There will be another Facebook poll and a paper ballot available at the next two meetings. This should capture all or most of the members.
Upcoming Stammtisch
- June – Boucher along with mid-year competition, 22 JUN
- July – Cheryl and Dave, 27 JUL
- August – Eckles along with the Uber Open
- September – C. Welch, 22 SEP
- October – C. Martin
Tech Talk
Lee discussed hosting an ingredient sensory class for members and is waiting to hear back from Gene in terms of funding for the ingredients.
C. Stovall brought in materials and manuals from the 90’s that he had sotred, including original club documents from its formation. One document was a tech talk from 30 years ago that J. Wilson created on yeast management. He also had a six-pack of “Cheese IPA” that he left with the club to be used for a future off flavor class. He opened one of the bottles and poured samples for members to smell/taste. Cheese smell comes from the fatty acids in hops that have gone bad or that were not stored correctly. In addition, there was a slight tang in the taste which could have come from an infection.
Other Announcements
There is still room for four more people on the Germany trip!