@ Moon River Brewing Company
· A Pre-meeting was held by Chris S. and Vince B. to prep those who are attending National Homebrew Conference (NHC) and taking the Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP) exam in Providence Rhode Island on June 27-29. They will be hosting another pre-meeting on April 3 at 6:30 pm in Moon River’s basement.
· The March meeting was a great success and a ton of information was relayed to the 28 people in attendance during the hour and a half meeting.
· President Neil congratulated Jeremy B. on yet another win at the SHA Shamrock competition where he placed 3rd in the Winter Seasonal category.
· Upcoming Events:
o March 16 – St. Patrick’s Day Parade Stammtisch on Jones and Abercorn street
o March 23 – SHA Port City Plunder beer competition
· Future Events:
o Apr 3 – Off Flavor Tech Talk at SBL meeting (Vince)
o May 4 – AHA Big Brew Day (looking for an event host)
o Jun 19 – Moon River Beer School – Off Flavors
o July 20 – Inter Club Dark Beer competition
o Aug 3 – National Mead Day at Bee-Town Mead and Cider
o Aug 17 – Uber Open Limoncello competition
o Nov 2 – Learn How To Homebrew Day at Coastal Empire Beer Company
· Survey Question results:
o Brewers Swap Meet? Vince is looking into hosting something in April, more to follow
o Homebrew at meetings? Justin C. is looking into GA laws governing Homebrew at meetings
o Move the monthly meeting time? Topic was discussed and postponed to a later date
o Domras Cup location change? Topic was discussed and based on the pros and cons of Captain Butlers vs. Richmond Hill the SBL will continue in 2019 with Domras at Richmond Hill
§ Factors in decision: Price, Size, functioning facilities
o Group Brews? TJ is hosting the first one on March 9
o More Stammtisch Events? Looking for host for upcoming Stammtisch Events
· Justin’s Notes from Moon River
o Moon River will support “Shadow a Brewer” event in the future for SBL – TBD
o Private SBL Beer School – Off Flavors, looks like we have enough attendees
o Big Brew Day at Moon River? Can’t commit on May 4th to this, have other events scheduled for this day but open for future
o Beer Garden Brew day? Yes, TBD
o Homebrew at meetings? Not at this time, looking into legalities for future discussion
· Buzz from Bee-Town:
o Habersham now has Bee-Town products on its shelf
o Multiple future events for Bee-Town coming up
§ Atlanta, St. Simons, Hilton Head Sip and Stroll
§ April 12th will be at Taste of Bluffton fundraiser
o Collaboration Brew in work: Rye Sasion Braggot with Southern Barrel and Salt Marsh
· John Wilson presented Domras ribbons to Chris S, Neil D., and Frank R.
· Habersham is hiring a part time worker, contact Vince B. if you’re interested
· Possibility for a future Brews Cruise in Savannah, Charleston, and/or Hilton Head Bluffton areas. Still gaging interest and future possibilities. If more than 7 members attend we can pay one single price. $55 a person for under 7 people.
· 27.5 year Anniversary Beer Trip suggested for May 2021. Trip to London and drive to Belgium. Roughly $1600+ airfair person
If you have any questions about any of the info above, or discussed during the meeting, please feel free to reach out to me with your questions.
TJ Cline
SBL Secretary