We had 29 people attend our December meeting. There was a pre-meeting before our regular meeting to discuss and finalize some Domras Cup items left on the agenda. As usual it was a packed house at Moon River’s basement with lots of enthusiasm towards brewing excellent culinary beverages.
Toast: Merry Christmas and welcome back to our snowbirds Art and Betty Smith.
- 11/9: Victory Moto Show @ Service Brewing where “Barhopper IPA” an SBL collaboration with Service was on tap.
- 11/15: The Brew Shop soft opening @ Coastal Empire Beer Company location
- 11/16: Club members racked the Belgian Strong Tripel to kegs and cleaned the barrel for the next project. The “Hardly Thomas” Barleywine clone for the SBL Barrel Project #2 is currently being brewed by multiple members and will be next for our barrel.
- 11/24: Tom H’s Nov Stammtisch on Tybee Island. BOS winners for the “O’Dark 30” Competition had Jeremy B, Andrew S, TJ C, and J. Wilson
- 12/8: Wilson’s Dec Stammtisch in Garden City
- 1/11/2020: TJ’s Stammtisch
Guest: We had 3 new guests who attended the meeting and we look forward to seeing them at our next event.
At the time of the meeting we have 631.5 BU’s for the year.
Domras Cup: Entry registration is now closed. We will need all hands on deck to help the SBL host this year’s Domras Cup competition so if you haven’t done so please register on the following link and let us know if you want to judge, steward, or staff (volunteer) for other jobs during the competition. Raffle prizes are coming in and filling up Neil’s home. Lots of good stuff will be available. Make sure you bring cash to Domras because you will want to be in on this raffle. Plan is to have our Beer Beauty Pageant as usual so brew and bring a keg of your favorite 1.060 and less beer. Winner with most cash in their entry box wins and the money will go to Ronald McDonald house.
ReBrew 2020: From now on PooBrew has been renamed ReBrew. Expectation is for SBL to brew ten 10 BU batches for a total of 100 bu’s in support of this conference. We will need people to help support the event (7/12). Water for this event should be ready in April.
Who is brewing: Neil, Stovall, Gene, Frank, Vince, and James have all brewed their “Hardly Thomas” clones. Jonathan brewed a German lager. Roger is brewing a 90 minute IPA clone. Henry has brewed a couple of batches.
SBL Brewery Library: Our library is officially open for business. TJ installed a lock on the cabinet in the basement of Moon River to ensure that our valuable publications do not grow legs and walk away. Feel free to stop by check out a book, sign the checkout sheet, or drop off a publication for the library. Laura P. added the first new book to the library collection – thank you!
New Business: 2020 Dues are due. How do you pay your dues? There are 3 ways…
- Go to the SBL website and click the “Pay Dues” header and fill out the information and pay via PayPal.
- Go to the SBL FB page and click the “Sign Up” button and fill out the information and pay via PayPal.
- Pay cash to our Treasurer, Gene at the next event.
Bar Project: Currently have a CATIA design for the bar drawn out and we are currently finalizing dimensions. Once approved we will be planning on building the bar at TJ’s house in Guyton on 12/14. An email will go out with more details once the plans are finalized. SBL will need some extra hands to help do carpentry work on building this bar. Plan is to have this bar built and ready for first use at Domras Cup 2/1/2020. Once we’ve worked out all the kinks after Domras we will recalibrate it for NHA and the ReBrew mid-year 2020.
SBL Barrel Projects:
- Belgium Triple aged in Bourbon Barrel: roughly 10% abv
- ”Hardly Thomas” aged in a Bourbon Barrel: batch brewing currently in work. Stovall, Vince, Dugue, Scott, Henry, James, Neil, Roger will be brewing for this batch.
- Cantillon Lambic aged in a White Wine Barrel: currently in planning stages. Possibly store at James again? Barrel coming from Southbound Brewing Co. Vince B. to look into and get back to the club.
Craft Beer Fest – no announcements
Pink’s Notes: Congratulations Alex is now a full time brewer at Moon River! 12/15 is the annual Christmas party; if you don’t have tickets you need to pick them up before they disappear. Barrel age Captain’s Porter is in barrel so stand by its going to be a good one. 12/10 is international lager day so cheers to craft made lagers. Pendragon’s Gold, Vince’s recipe from winning the Mid-Year Beer Competition is going to be on tap in two weeks.
So yes, we are busy, and I am sure you are too. Stay safe this holiday season and remember to RDWAHB (Relax, Don’t Worry, Have a Homebrew).
SBL Secretary