Toast: “Here’s to cheating, stealing, and drinking. May you cheat death, steal hearts, and always drink with me.
Guest/New Members: 1 guest, 20 members
Who is brewing? Lots of people are.brewing!!!!
4/7 BJCP: Ingredients (Session 11) @ Moon River Brewing Company 6pm
4/7 April Monthly meeting @ Moon River Brewing Company 7:30pm
4/21 BJCP: Ingredients/Process (Session 7&8) @ Split Fin Brewing 6pm
4/24 April Stammtisch @ The Brew Shop 12pm
5/1 Big Brew Day for National Homebrew Day @ Moon River Brewing Company 12pm
5/5 BJCP: Process (Session 12) @ Moon River Brewing Company 6pm
5/5 May Monthly meeting @ Moon River Brewing Company 7:30pm
5/12 BJCP: Process (Session 9&10) @ Moon River Brewing Company 6pm
5/? Butter Ducks Winery visit
5/23 May Day Stammtisch
6/2 BJCP: Structure, Judge Procedures @ Moon River Brewing Company 6pm
6/2 June Monthly meeting @ Moon River Brewing Company 7:30pm
6/12 Mid Year beer @ TBD
6/? Honey Giveaway @ The Brew Shop
8/1 Mead Day @ Bee-Town
8/14 Bier Garden Fest @ MRBC
8/21 Uber Open @ Stovall’s
9/11 BJCP exam
9/15 28th Anniversary/ SAV Brewery tour
10/2 Fest’ovall
New Business:
- Update on the Butter Ducks winery visit in Effingham. Sonja to discuss with Butter Ducks and try to schedule it for around May or June timeframe.
- Competitor/Club Member of the year award (Henry S., Jeremy Bo., Chandler T., Chris S.): Secretary to be responsible for managing the points and the brewing totals for a calendar year. May need to reevaluate from points total to ballot box. Points total system may not be able to sustain year after year.
- Club Only Competition (COC) circuit: member of the year award
- Big Brew Day is scheduled for 5/1 at Moon River in the Bier Garden and at Split Fin 12pm. We will be looking for volunteers to brew at both locations.
- Moon River:TJ, Kyle, Henry
- Split Fin:Tom H., Beth R., Cheryl/David
- Mid-Year Beer Competition guidelines: Any beer, abv, style under 29 SRM. 3 entries per brewer/household.
- The club has 5 lbs of Savannah Bee Wildflower Honey to give away. Henry has some wildflower honey to giveaway too. So look for The Brew Shop and SBL to join and host a Honey Give-a-way event around June.
- Proposed SBL purchase a few (2-3) brewing books for the SBL library
- There is interest in SBL chartering an anniversary brewery tour in Sept.
Old Business:
- SBL Glassware: Wilson to ship SBL glassware to Steve M.
- Sample Glassware: Chandler: 30 sets, 120 glasses, $12 set/$3 ea glass sold. Club approves purchase.
- Creating the member of the year award. Chandler and TJ to manufacture award.
- Split Fin use of SBL logo approved. Offer also good for other surrounding breweries/meaderies.
- Club gmail and other club gmail suit docs encrypted
- SBL to reimburse Kyle P for purchasing the BCEOM competition slot
June Mid-Year Beer Competition – Location TBD
6/26/21 1-5pm Suwanee, GA Suwanee BeerFest – Homebrew Competition cancelled
SHA: CBM’s US Open 8/11
CASK (Jacksonville, FL) First Coast Cup in Aug. Chandler will drive the beer train to Jax.
Uber Open Lemoncello 8/21
May Day (5/23) Stammtisch – Scott
June Stammtisch – Vince
Aug 1 Mead Day – Tripka
Upcoming Group Brew Day:
none planned
Barrel Committee: (Gene, Vince, Scott, James):
- Barrel Project #3: Braggot. Still waiting to put the batch to make it in the barrel. Barrel is in Scotts garage.
- Barrel Project #4: Russian Imperial Stout with cocoa powder. SBL filled the barrel on 12/13. Committee voted to pull the batch from the barrel on 3/28. The barrel is somewhat empty (sludge in the bottom) but it needs to be drained and treated for Barrel Project #5. James and Henry to get together and prep the barrel for Barrel Project #5.
- Barrel Project #5: Use same barrel from barrel project #4. Going to be the final beer in this barrel so we will do a Flanders, Lambic, Old Brun, or sour beer.
Tech Talk: none
Open Discussion: