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6/2/2021 – June Meeting Notes

Toast: “The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind”

Guest/New Members: 21 members, 4 guest

Who is brewing? Lots of people are brewing!!!!


5/1 Big Brew Day for National Homebrew Day @ Moon River Brewing Company 12pm

5/5 BJCP: Process (Session 12) @ Moon River Brewing Company 6pm

5/5 May Monthly meeting @ Moon River Brewing Company 7:30pm

5/12 BJCP: Process (Session 9 &10) @ Moon River Brewing Company 6pm

5/23 May Day Stammtisch

6/2 BJCP: Structure, Judge Procedures @ Moon River Brewing Company 6pm

6/2 June Monthly meeting @ Moon River Brewing Company 7:30pm

6/12? COC: Mid Year beer @ TBD

6/16 BJCP: Exam Format @ MRBC 6pm

?/? Butter Ducks Winery visit TBD (push to fall)

6/12 Jun Stammtisch @ Vince 1pm (brew gear for sale)

6/? Honey Giveaway @ The Brew Shop

7/7 BJCP: Recipe Formulation @ MRBC 6pm

7/7 July Monthly Meeting @ MRBC 7:30pm

7/21 BJCP: Off Flavor Recap @ MRBC 6pm

8/7 Mead Day @ Bee-Town 5pm

8/4 Aug Monthly Meeting @ MRBC 7:30pm

8/14 Bier Garden Fest @ MRBC

8/21 COC: Uber Open @ Stovall’s

9/1 Sept Monthly Meeting @ MRBC 7:30pm

9/11 BJCP exam

9/18 28th Anniversary/ SAV Brewery tour

10/2 Fest’ovall Octoberfest Stammtisch

10/6 Oct Monthly Meeting @ MRBC 7:30pm

10/9 Charleston Beer Fest @ Riverfront Park 1pm

10/23 COC: O’Dark 30 Competition

11/3 Nov Monthly Meeting @ MRBC 7:30pm (SBL Elections)

New Business:

  • Sample Glassware: Chandler will have glassware for sale: 30 sets, 120 glasses, $12 set/$3 ea glass sold.
  • Sonja’s update on the  Butter Ducks winery visit in Effingham. Sonja to discuss with Butter Ducks and try to schedule it for around May or June timeframe. Move event to fall so members don’t melt.
  • Competitor/Club Member of the year award (Henry S., Jeremy Bo., Chandler T., Chris S.): May need to reevaluate from points total to ballot box. Points total system may not be able to sustain year after year as per Stovall. 
    • Ok to used ballot box for Member of the Year award?
    • Stovall mentioned before that they used to have a name and award for this?
  • Mid-Year Beer Competition guidelines: Any beer, abv, style under 29 SRM. 3 entries per brewer/household. 
    • Need date, time, location. Vince’s house?
    • Need new judges as this will be a paper judged competition
  • The club has 5 gallons of Savannah Bee Wildflower Honey to give away. Henry has some wildflower honey to giveaway too. So look for The Brew Shop and SBL to join and host a Honey Give-a-way event around June? 
    • Does Henry have a good date time for this?
  • Buddemeier: would like to set up a competition using grains/hops he is donating to the club. He will prep 5-7 orders of a base malt recipe and package them up for pick up. The brewer can add any specialty grains / hops as they wish. Competition held in the fall?
    • 45 lbs pale malt
    • 22 lbs pilsner
    • 30 lbs white wheat
    • 40 lbs Vienna
    • Multiple hops and speciality grains
    • Competition to be named after Jerald and has a trophy
  • Need pick up date, time, location
  • Need Competition date, time, location

Pink’s Notes (MRBC):

  • Rip Current (Gose) is really really good this year!
  • Preview of cerveza tonight!

Old Business:

  • SBL Glassware: Wilson to ship SBL glassware to Steve M. Done
  • Creating the member of the year award. Chandler and TJ to manufacture award.
  • Proposed SBL purchase a few (2-3) brewing books for the SBL library.
    • Thinking of the water, yeast, malt series? Any other suggestions? What does Henry have available or can order?
  • There is interest in SBL chartering an anniversary brewery tour in Sept. Because seating will be limited by bus size this will be a Club Only event.
    • TJ Looking into Kelly tours bus with 23-30 passenger limit
    • Proposed route: Coastal, New Realm (lunch), Hop Atomica, Debellation, coastal
    • Removed O’Connell’s and make it its own event like normal on a Sept wed
    • Cost depends Kelly tours quote. If not to expensive, club to cover cost of bus?
    • Trolley tours bus with Vince????
    • 9/18 11-?
  • Competition (COC) circuit: member of the year award creation (Chandler/TJ). no updates


June Mid-Year Beer Competition – Location Vince’s house

SHA: CBM’s US Open 8/11

CASK (Jacksonville, FL) First Coast Cup in Aug. Chandler will drive the beer train to Jax.

Uber Open Lemoncello only 8/21

Oct O’Dark 30 


June  – Vince

July – Jonathan E. (South Side)

Aug 7 Mead Day – Tripka @ Bee-Town

Sept – OPEN

Oct – Stovall

Nov – OPEN

Dec – Wilson

Jan – TJ

Upcoming Group Brew Day:

11/6 Learn To Homebrew Day (LTHD) @ TBD

Treasury Report:

Any items up for reimbursement should be given to Gene by end of the month. We still have some Domras items pending reimbursement.

Treasury discussion about how the clubs historical budget has changed over the years and how to best use that going forward. SBL is not set up as a charitable foundation.

Barrel Committee: (Gene, Vince, Scott, James):

  • Barrel Project #3: Braggot. Still waiting to put the batch to make it in the barrel. Barrel is in Scotts garage.
  • Barrel Project #4: Russian Imperial Stout with cocoa powder is kegged and the barrel is empty. James and Henry to get together and prep the barrel for Barrel Project #5.
  • Barrel Project #5: Use same barrel from barrel project #4. Going to be the final beer in this barrel so we will do a Flanders, Lambic, Old Brun, or sour beer. First of many sour beers?

Tech Talk: none

Open Discussion: no note worthy comments