Toast: Here’s to Beer because Beer makes you feel the way you ought to feel without beer. – Henry Lawson
Guest/New Members: 33 members and 3 guest attended
Who is brewing? Club total: 44 bu’s
2021: 1290 bu’s
1/10/22 Domras Cup shipping/registration/edit deadline 9am
1/14/22 Old Bruin Barrel Fill @ Jonathan’s –
1/15/22 Jan Stammtisch @ TJ’s 5pm
1/30/22 Domras Cup Judging @ Stovall’s
2/2 Feb Monthly Meeting @ MRBC 7:30pm
2/5 Domras Cup @ John W. Stevens Wetland Center
3/2 March Monthly Meeting @ MRBC 7:30pm
3/17 SBL Watches the St. Patrick’s Day parade
3/19 March Stammtisch @ Roger Booze’s 5pm
4/6 April Monthly Meeting @ MRBC 7:30pm
4/?? April Stammtisch
5/1 SBL Europe Trip
5/4 May Monthly Meeting @ MRBC 7:30pm
6/22-6/25 National Homebrew Conference Pittsburgh, PA
New Business:
Bylaw change (Gene)
Updating Bylaws to reflect our not-for-profit status to keep our tax exemption
New Motion:
“I move that the league incorporate the bylaw change for version 2 from the email sent out to the league.”
John Fendis seconded by: Gene Edwards
This motion has been tabled and will be voted on at the march meeting
Look at the email Sent out by Chandler to see what the changes we will be voting on.
Committee Discussion:
Pink Points / Mike’s Mentionables / Alex’s Assessment
Treasure’s Report
Domras committee (TJ)
• Domras Cup competition site is set up. 250 entries, Now 5 entries per household.
• COC: Beer Beauty Pageant: entry 1 keg/5 bu’s, any style, any abv. 2/5/22 at Domras.
• Register to be a judge or steward
National Homebrew Conference in Pittsburg, Pa (Vince, Stovall, Gene, and Scott)
• Who plans to go? Straw poll about 11 ppl
• National Homebrew Con in Pittsburgh (6/22-6/25) this year so SBL should participate and produce around 15 kegs (75 bu’s) for club and hospitality night.
Barrel Committee: (Gene, Vince, Scott, James, Jon E. ):
• Barrel Project #5: Use same barrel from barrel project #4. Going to be the final beer in this barrel so we will do an Old Bruin beer. Barrel relocated to Jonathan’s E house.
• We have a recipe, Cherry Old Bruin
• 10 members Participating, 70 bu’s: Frank (5), Gene (10), Vince (15), Bill (5), Chris P. (5), Kyle (5), Tom H (5), Roger (5), Tom C (5), Scott (5)
Barrel Project #6: David L. said he can get a new used barrel for us when we tell him we are ready, we should have a recipe and list of people ready to brew for the march meeting.
New barrel will be housed at Jonathan’s E house
A new holder will need to be created
Zymurgy Article (Meridith)
• TJ reached out to buddemier he responded with information from when he sent an article.
what do we need to be able to do an article for domras
• If you have photos from domras please post them to the FB members only group with the #DomrasCup2022
Winery Tour (Sonja)
• Butterducks Winery tour this winter? Late feb?
There are only two wine tours a year, trying to contact owners about doing a third
This will be removed as a committee until we can get in touch with the owners and set a date.
Old Business:
• Brewer of the Year award / Competitor of the year for 2021
• Competitor of the year for 2021 is Vince Becker
• Top 5 brewers of the year for 2021 total
• 5. Wells Johnson 71 BU
• 4. Bill Austin 71.5 BU
• 3. Vincent Becker 82 BU
• 2. Randy Hessy 83 BU
• The Brewer of the year for 2021 is Gene Edwards with 110.5 BU
• Brewer of the Year award / Competitor of the year in work. Final tally to be completed by Jan meeting. TJ has the barrel staves. Look into club email for reporting this stuff in the future. Any competitions outside of the COC/Domras should be self reported to Sonja E. Email [email protected] to get her contact info.
• SBL to purchase a few (2-3) brewing books for the SBL library. Books in The Brew Shop, just need to be delivered to the SBL Library. 1 Cider book, 1 how to brew book, 1 yeast book. The Books have been added to the library, contact the president if you need the code to the library at moon river
2/5 Domras Cup
2/5 Beer Beauty Pageant
What are the main competitions we do?
O-dark 30
Uber-open cello
Mid-year beer
Feb – Domras
March – Roger
April – Kyle/Jerry
May- ??
Jun – ??
July – Cheryl and Dave Holesovsky
Upcoming Group Brew Day:
None planned
Tech Talk: Vincent Becker
Recipe creation