May you live all the days of your life, so this is to the holidays- all 365 of them! Probst
Guest/New Members: 22 members and 2 guest attended (Larry and Jill, joined after meeting!)
Who is brewing? Club total:
Upcoming Events:
8/3 August Monthly Meeting @ MRBC 7:30
8/20 midday in the beer garden – Spectacular
8/27 August stammtisch (Jon E.) 12-5 pm
8/27 Uber open 12-5 pm
9/7 September Monthly Meeting @ MRBC
9/11 Sept. Stammtisch @ beckers tall deck
9/21Toast at O’connell’s at 7 pm Do I need to reach out to the pub
10/2 Festovall Stammtisch @ Stovall (5PMish, wear lederhosen or dirndl)
10/5 Domras cup meeting 6:30-7:15 @ MRBC
10/5 October Monthly Meeting @ MRBC
10/22 Bourbon, Blues, Brews, and BBQ
11/2 Domras cup meeting 6:30-7:15 @ MRBC
11/2 November Monthly Meeting @ MRBC
11/5 Learn how to brew day
11/19 O’Dark 30 and NOV Stammtisch
New Business:
T-shirts order will be placed on Thursday but I would like to purchase I want to propose we as a club buy atleast David little a tshirt for barrel. I would also like 4 more for Moon River employees that have done a lot for us. The total would be 5*21=105$ also the club should get some extra shirts to have and sell at events. 8 extra for SBL(2 M, 4 L, 2 XL) 8 * 21= 168$ total cost to club for both would be 273$.
Spotlight Brewery:
Committee Discussion:
-Pinks Points, Mike’s Mentionables, Alex Assignments- N/A
-Treasurer’s Report (Gene)
-Barrel Committee: (Gene, Vince, Scott, James, Jon E., Roger):
- Barrel Project Alpha 6 (sixth run our first barrel) still working on getting last 5 BU of the lambic
- Barrel Project Beta 1 A new whiskey barrel was obtained thanks to David little.
Chris Pye and Jonathan E are honorable mentions for helping with day of.
Will be Belgian dubbel or Belgian Dark Strong. Ask to join the Barrel message thread on facebook.
Zymurgy Article (Meridith)
- still waiting to hear back, no update
Stammtisch August (Jon E. )
11:30 Set up, 1200 Uber Open judging begins, 3pm Stammtisch starts
Same day as the Uber open, all entries must be there by 1130
1 Sean B
2 Laura P
3 Chris B
1 Mathew B
2 Laura P
1 Chris M
2 Jessica E
3 Sonja E
1 Sean B traditional
2 Mathew B traditional
3 Chris M non traditional
Stammtisch September (At Vince’s)- Bring chair and snack, last event on the tall deck
CCA Blue Brew BBQ & Bourbon (B4) (Austin T.) – Coastal Conservation Association, an organization that helps preserve fish, wildlife, and water quality, will be hosting. Eastern River Warf, 10/22, 11-12 VIP Only, 12-3pm Open to the Public. Up to 20 breweries, 6 liquor booths, lots of BBQ, 3 bands.
Will be looking for volunteers, more details to come.
There is a website to sign up on.
Merch interest (Chandler)
The design sent out over email and shown on FB the price is
The price per shirt for comfort colors will be $21 for 24-47 and 48-71 $19 add $1.50 per X over XL
Also I plan on creating a new sticker for the participants of the barrel projects.
We need new/more stickers for the club – looking for tag line ideas
- Uber Open cello (AUG)
- O-dark 30 (NOV) Brewed at Coastal Empire Brewing
Last comp of the year - 2023 Comps
- Earlier comps so Breweries can send it to GABF
IDEAs? March Madness? Mardi Gras Madness?
- Earlier comps so Breweries can send it to GABF
Old Business:
- Brewer of the Year award / Competitor of the year in work. Final tally to be completed by Jan meeting. TJ has the barrel staves. Look into club email for reporting this stuff in the future. Any competitions outside of the COC/Domras should be self-reported to Sonja E. Email [email protected] to get her contact info.
- Wetlands in richmond hill cost 250$ plus a 200$ deposit for domras
- If you do a Tech Talk, you get a hand crafted bottle opener or stopper from the prez
September – Vince
October – Stovall 10/1
November –
December –
Upcoming Group Brew Day:
10/5 Locations?
Tech Talk:
October: Taterlicious
November: Sean Becker- Cello
General Discussion:
-General interest in doing another BJCP certification class. 13 people at the meeting raised hands saying they would participate.
-First iteration of “Iron Brewer” will be at the December Stamtisch. Monthly style challenge judged in the beauty pageant fashion. December Challenge will be Winter Seasonal.