“It is around the table that friends understand best the warmth of being together.”
Guests/New Members
27 members and 1 guest attended (R. Moss)
Who is Brewing?
The club total is currently 953 BUs. The record of 1474.5 BUs was in 2022. There will need to be a new FaceBook post to record amounts for January 2024.
Upcoming Events
- 06 DEC – Domras Cup meeting 6:30-7:15 pm at MRBC
- December Monthly Meeting 7:30 pm at MRBC
- 10 DEC – Moon River Christmas Party
- 03 JAN – Domras Cup meeting 6:30-7:15 pm at MRBC
- January Monthly Meeting 7:30 pm at MRBC
- 20 JAN – January stammtisch, T. Cline’s house at 5 pm
- 27 JAN – Domras Cup sorting 1 pm
- 02 FEB – Domras Cup judging, round 1
- 03 FEB – Domras Cup 8 am – 5 pm
- 07 FEB – February Monthly Meeting 7:30 pm at MRBC
New Business
Committee Discussion
Pink Points/Mike’s Mentionables/Alex’s Assessment
Christmas Party tickets were given out. Dixie Crystal in in the fermentation tank.
Treasurer’s Report
Gene gave his report to the members and closed out Domras Cup 2023.
Learn How to Brew Day
This was held last month at Debellation. There were about 15 attendees. The event went well and there was positive feedback.
Barrel Committee
- Echo 1 – Belgian Dark
- Echo 2 – American Barleywine was taken out of the barrel to put the Scottish Ale in
- Echo 3 – Scottish Ale 18 NOV
- Delta 6 – Lambic; this will be filled possibly after the New Year
Domras Cup
This was discussed in detail during the Domras Cup meeting prior to the December monthly meeting. Sorting will take place on 27 JAN with pre-judging happening on 02 FEB. Domras Cup will be held on 03 FEB. The location is the Savannah Bee Company warehouse near Enmarket Arena. The competition site is open to the public for entries and there are over 100 currently with about 80 paid.
The November Stammtisch was at the Burns’ house. The 0 Dark 30 competition went well and there were plenty of judges. J. Eckles won first place.
The December Stammtisch was at the Wilsons’ house. There was a good turnout and everyone had a great time.
The January Stammtisch will be at the Clines’ house.
Nothing new with this. The water needs to be tested most likely. C. Stovall will discuss later.
Members discussed the possibility of getting shirts for the Bridge Run.
0 Dark 30 competition took place in November. There was a great turnout. The winning beer will be brewed at Coastal Empire.
The mid-year competition will be held at the Boucher’s house. The original plan was for Belgian beers but it is still open for suggestions.
There is no club only competition set for first quarter yet.
Discussion ensued regarding a cider competition and possibly including cider in the mid-year competition. The club has no certified cider judges currently so we would have to host classes for certification.
Old Business
Brewer of the Year and Competitor of the Year awards are in the works. The final tally will be completed prior ot the January monthly meeting. Spreadsheets should be sent to Sonja by 31 DEC.
Upcoming Stammtisch
- January – Cline
- February – NONE (Domras Cup)
- March – Roger
- April – need location
- May – need location
- June – Boucher
Looking Forward to 2024
Several ideas were discussed. Members would like to see a calendar sent out at the beginning of the year with important events. Members would like to have a cider judging exam/study group.
Tech Talk
J. Wilson led a discussion about hop utilization as it pertains to boil volume and specific gravity. He proposed the question: What do you do if you discover that your volume is wrong or your gravity is not what you expected? There was a lot of good input from members. Hop utilization is based on a certain volume and gravity to achieve the desired effects.